PULPFUSION: Wrong World (2012)

It’s Pulpfusion everybody and he’s just released his third full-length LP Wrong World. Wrong world? It certainly feels like it at the minute – as the government comes up with ingenious recession-busting initiatives like reducing tax for the rich, increasing tax for pensioners and, my personal money-saving favourite – regional pay for civil servants – oh – unless you’re the MP type of civil servant in which case you’re unaffected. And that’s just the UK. Elsewhere it’s all rapacious oil companies, civil war and ruining the planet. It’s enough to give you the right hump. It’s enough to make you want to listen to something with loud breakbeats and distorted metal guitars. As luck would have it loud breakbeats and distorted metal guitars is what characterises large portions of Wrong World which turns out to be a largely instrumental amalgamation of Underachievers-era Junkie XL, the heavier moments from Prodigy’s Fat Of The Land and early Chemical Brothers – though there’s probably a bit of industrial Kraut-metallers KMFDM’s DNA in there somewhere too. This is because it’s not just me who’s got the right hump – Pulpfusion’s got the right hump too and makes his feelings felt on tracks like Freeze To Death In A Global Warming and Bombing For Peace (is like fucking for virginity). The title track is still the daddy though. Also, since it’s an instrumental LP you are free to map your rage against whatever machine you like onto it. Happy days. Talking of happy days – the last track’s called Goodbye To Humanity (also the name of this album’s teaser EP) – just sayin…
(Out now on Pig Balls Records) – cop it at Juno HERE

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