Franco-Danish production dream team Prosper and Badboe return on the Rebel Scream label with more funky breaks goodness, here taking the form of the Blow Matata EP. Their manifesto is laid plain in the old-school vocal samples of the title track (“We gonna blow, blow, blow your speakers”) eschewing the (these days) almost inevitable wobbly bassline for a something a little more traditional on this mid-tempo number. Remixer Niko, on the other hand busies-up the break, ditches the rap part of the vocal and makes up for it by apparently having pressed all the shiny effects buttons he could find with, admittedly, not unpleasant results. Never ones to forget that you’ve got to give the people what they want P ‘n B also ensure that some low-end wobble finds its way onto the female vocal-led Getting Freaky and show they’ve got (nu) soul with Crazy 4 U – a cheeky nufunk version of Tina Turner’s Crazy ‘Bout You Baby. And if that doesn’t ensure a few steamy windows, I don’t know what will…
(Out now on Rebel Scream)
Prosper & Badboe – Blow Matata EP by rebelscream