PANAMA CARDOON: Now That I Found You (2013) Free download

“It’s not bassy enough and the beat’s a bit weak.” Not the usual complaint levelled at Jamaican reggae, even old school stuff but that hasn’t stopped Athenian producer and Carnibal Records main man Panama Cardoon adding big drums and giving the bottom end more boom on his Now That I’ve Found You re-version. Some may feel that this is gilding the lily but as a wise man once said to me, “you can never have too much boom.” If you fancy some more reggae boom (and I can’t think why you wouldn’t) cop yourself a bit of this action, free, via the player below. Happy New Year.

0 responses to “PANAMA CARDOON: Now That I Found You (2013) Free download”

    • Looks like it’s maxed-out homes – 1000 downloads. Got to be in it to win it. I’d suggest giving sending Mr Cardoon a very polite soundcloud message. If that doesn’t work, hit me back – I might be able to sort you out…

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