NILES PHILIPS: Aggregation (Niles Phillips remixes) (2015)

Aggregation Niles Philips remixesWhat about an album of Niles Philips remixes? On the strength of his spanking funky electro blues rework of The Worldstylers Gimme One More last year (yes, don’t worry that’s on here), the correct answer is ‘yes please!’ And so it is that Timewarp Music drop their second big remix LP this year what with this coming, as it does, hard on the heels of The Remix Sessions Vol. 2 from label bossman Timewarp Inc.

The LP finds Philips take on twelve names (including the likes of Timewarp Inc., Trotter, MustBeat Crew, El Bomba and Valique) across fourteen tracks which number among them two brand new remixes – of Cyance and Valique. During the course of the LP, our man finds time to bump the blues, dally with dub, freak the funk, get ghetto glitched, hip himself to the hop, lose it to latin breaks and even do the jungle jam. No doubt you’ll expect to find Gimme One More among the high points, but otherwise noteworthy are also a nice breaks reflip of Teddy Presburg’s super chilled Passion, a noisy buzzsaw bass take on Trotter’s Give It The Best and a stomping ghetto Balkan refix of Auditor’s Domination’s Repeto – though in truth there is nothing weak on here at all.
(Out now on Timewarp Music)

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