In just the same way that ‘everyone’ only really reads The Scum newspaper ‘for the sport,’ it is widely known that ‘everyone’ watches Game Of Thrones for its richly epic fantasy rather than the high incidence of jutting fantasy breasts and quasi-medieval muff shots. If I didn’t know better though, I’d say some people were getting the horn. You’ll still get the horn if you watch this video – though of the brass variety – as Israeli outfit Men Of North Country go at their mod soul version of the G.O.T. theme live for just over two minutes. Plenty of time for you to ponder why a mod soul version of said theme should sound like a bit like a Dick Dale surf guitar track and, more importantly, why Moby is playing bass…
0 responses to “MEN OF NORTH COUNTRY: ‘Game Of Thrones Theme’ Live video (2014)”
I like it….and yeah and I watch GoT. Like that too.