VUKAN GYORGY: Linda (DJ CLAIRVO remix) (2016)

dj-clairvo-linda-remixed-2It’s hard to beat old-school cop shows as a rich musical seam to mine for beatmaking and what holds true Stateside and in the UK apparently also holds true in Hungary – at least in the case of Vukan Gyorgy’s theme to 80s series Linda. Said musical work has been the subject of no fewer than two volumes of remixes and this dubby bit of atmospheric, instrumental hip-hop is DJ Clairvo‘s take on it. Now I haven’t seen even a single episode of Linda but I’m sensing Ladas and Zils racing (well, trundling) neck and neck through grimy rain-soaked streets alongside the Danube beneath the foreboding towers of Buda Castle as men in trenchcoats grimly pursue a desperate but attractive and mysterious blonde…
(Out now on Budabeats)

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