[RATING: 5] News just in – hip-hop’s hardest-working hitman, Lone Ninja, has surfaced once more with a guest appearance on new cut Spycraft from the forthcoming Kure LP The Gauntlet and it’s a musical match made in heaven. Kure clearly understands the oeuvre of the ninja – appreciating that a sombre strings loop lends much more gravitas to the exploits of a denizen of the shadows than the hysterical full-on aural orchestral assault of horrorcore producers on other recent collabs. Meanwhile, our mic assassin regales us with details of his weaponry – an MK23 no less. Er – hold on – I didn’t know they had semi-automatic pistols in feudal Japan. Perhaps the lyrics have been inspired by recent events – though what contemporary American politician could anyone possibly want to off?
(Out soon on Greater Force Records)