KIND & KINKY ZOO: Wonder Zebra (2016)

Wonder Zebra Kind Kinky ZooKind & Kinky Zoo have still got a weird name and new single Wonder Zebra might sound like the new project from Nathan Barley but blow me if it isn’t some sort of crazy-ass, fuzz-heavy, flute-funk antics! What’s needed to balance this is – hmm, let me see – a blaxploitation-esque remix of V.L.A.M. by Lack Of Afro – perfect for cruising through 1970s Berkeley, San Francisco. Yes, that ought to do it – the rough with the smooth, the raging yang to the sober yin – should probably go on two different sides of a 45 from Rocafort Records. As luck would have it…
(Out 30 May on Rocafort Records)

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