JURASSIC 5: What’s Golden (TOY BEATS remix) Free download

JURASSIC 5:  What's Golden (TOY BEATS remix) Free downloadIt’s been over a month since the last free download on MB but never fear for Toy Beats is here neither balling nor shot-calling but taking it back to What’s Golden. That’s right, we break this extended period of musical privation with TB’s rerub of the biggest track off the mighty Jurassic 5’s 2002 LP Power In Numbers. Now fifteen bpms faster than the original, the track finds Zaakir, Marc 7, Akil, and that verbal Herman Munster, Chali 2Na deliver, ‘word power to plow through cornfields’ over a new beat stylistically pitched somewhere between P-Funk, DC Go-go and ghetto funk (before the wobble became its defining feature) on which TB himself supplies additional vocoder vocals. Something to play then if you’re, ‘sick of phony mobsters controlling the dancefloor.’ Cop it below…

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