JORUN BOMBAY: Remixes Volume 2 (2015)

Remixes Vol 2 Jorun BombayDiggers raise your arms in gratitude, for Canuck producer Jorun Bombay drops another volume of remixes at the end of the month. On side A, you’ll find the man delivering a reworked pair of his own cuts with an extended remake of Phill Most Chill, Oxygen, Ghettosocks and Paten Locke-featuring Smash and a slight extension of Rampagers-featuring Never Heard It Like This Before. On side B he re-versions Eric B & Rakim’s Eric B Is President, Funkadelic’s (Not Just) Knee Deep and Biz Markie’s Nobody Beats The Biz. Get on the wax quick or you’ll be searching for Bombay the hard way.
(Out late June on Fresh Pressings)

4 responses to “JORUN BOMBAY: Remixes Volume 2 (2015)”

  1. does anyone know how i can get a copy of this? preferably i am looking for a good copy of jorun’s remixed version of knee deep by funkadelic. need help.

  2. actually, maybe i should have been more specific. i am looking for an mp3 / digital copy of the knee deep remix, having a hard time finding it on the interweb

  3. actually, maybe i should have been more specific. i am looking for an mp3 / digital copy of the knee deep remix, having a hard time finding it on the interweb

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