JIMI NEEDLES: Jazz Trippin (2015)

Jazz Trippin Jimi NeedlesOh hello, what’s this then? It’s a throughly modern Jimi (Needles) with his new single Jazz Trippin‘. Shall we swing? Why not I’ll put my car keys in the bo- oh you mean the music, why yes, I’d love that even more – all that ‘slap, slap, slap – oh that’s too hard’ business. Nothing sexual at all, merely a choice bit of electro swing – though if that gets any latterday slap…er, I mean flappers excited, where’s the harm? Accompanied by a superb video featuring Julie Andrews and James Fox as ‘devil-may-care paperclip salesman’ Jimmy Smith (no relation). Cup of punch? Don’t mind if I do.
(Out now on Rocstar)

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