I’d always thought of Wine Or Grind as a question – the answer to which is ‘grind’ of course – especially if Prince Buster is asking. Not so F-Block though who issues it here sans question mark like it’s some sort of order. And we all like taking orders don’t we? You know – chained up – making whimpering noises, hoping we haven’t forgotten our ‘safe’ word…we’ve all been there. He’s certainly convinced the Relative Dimensions label who’ve picked up this 3 tracker which starts with an impressively fresh and swinging 135 bpm peak party monster that goes most of the way to convincing me. Then he follows it with a noisy slab of Public Enemy sampling ghetto P-Funk and ends up giving Prince Buster a frantic dnb grind without to much as a by your leave. After which you’ll probably need a glass of wine or something…
(Out now on Relative Dimensions)
One response to “F-BLOCK: Wine Or Grind EP (2013)”
Big ups 🙂