DOGHER-MAN: Certainly EP (2013)

It says here that as a youngster, Dogher-Man entertained himself by, “incessantly scratching on his mother’s unwitting record player.” I hope it was direct drive and his mum had a big record collection though, given the amount of time he must have spent on it growing up in Kokemaki, Finland – pop. 7,923. Beats reindeer-wrangling though. Anyway – that’s all rather a long hand way of expressing the notion that, ‘this man’s quite a good turntablist.’ And when I say ‘quite good’ I mean ‘excellent’ – as evinced by his debut EP Certainly. Now, I like a bit of scratching as much as the next man but I put it to you that turntablism is still the hip-hop/breaks equivalent of the unfettered guitar or drum-solo…
(Out 2 October on Thai Dust)

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