As previously reported on monkeyboxing, the sequel to Del The Funky Homosapien, Dan The Automator and Kid Koala’s massive underground LP, 2000’s Deltron 3030 was (in time-honoured hip-hop fashion), due out ‘some time ago’…and there still isn’t a release date. But the monkey tirelessly searches the web so you don’t have to which is why we can reliably inform you things are afoot. The last of the three Deltron members to finish his contribution to the project (that’ll be Del, since Automator and Kid Koala finished their bits several decades ago) has recently said in a rather insightful interview on that even his bit is now done and the album Deltron: Event II is, “…just about finished actually”. So that’s the update really. Oh yeah – nearly forgot – that and the fact that this video entitled Deltron: Event II – untitled track (uploaded by ‘triassicc’ – you may see a pattern emerging here…) appeared last month on Youtube but appears to have slipped under a lot of radars. Including the monkey’s. It seems the track may be entitled Brothers Will Have To Fight and sounds about like it would if ‘triassicc’ had recorded it on their phone on a toilet break from interviewing Del whilst Del, finding himself briefly alone, decided to play a new Deltron track in case anyone wanted to do a phone rip and post it on the web. Ooh – viral! Check it below links. If this track is anything to go by, Deltron: Event II is going to be intergalactic battle cruiser-sized.