Now then – how about some soul? Thought so – and it’s provided by none other than Cookin’ On 3 Burners for whom I believe I’m right in saying this is the first new material since 2009’s Soul Messin’ LP. Part of the Melbourne funk mafia, Cookin’ On 3 Burners share guitarist Lance Ferguson with The Bamboos and have hooked up many times in the past with Bamboos singer Kylie Auldist. The strings-imbued Mind Made Up finds Auldist in soaring soul diva rather than growling soul sista mode and the flip features Daniel Merriweather who goes the other way and swaps smooth for raw and sounds all the better for it. One hesitates to speculate but could there be an LP on the way? There could? Blind Bet you say? June? I’m all ears…
(Out 19 May on Freestyle Records)