COMPETITION CLOSED – Congratulations to Osman and Mosab, both of Manchester. Merriweather going down well up north!
Yes, that’s right – has two signed copies of Merriweather’s current single Change on 12” to give away – all you have to do is answer the question below correctly. The thing is, we’ve all seen those shit TV competitions where they ask you something your fucking settee could get right because they know their little premium-rate phonelines will be jammed with punters who all know the answer – so you are going to have to work a little bit for this one. When you’ve got the answer send it to along with a postal address (sorry has to be a UK one) using the form on the contact page. First two correct answers gets the booty. Simple.
Q. What is the name of the track on Mark Ronson’s debut album Here Comes The Fuzz which features Daniel Merriweather on vocals?