CHIMA ANYA: Guess I’ll Never (2014) video

Guess I'll Never Chima AnyaChima Anya‘s new video is a simple tale of a man misreading the messages from a woman. On the other hand it’s a simple tale of a woman misreading the messages from a man. Then again it’s a lesson to us all that sometimes a toy can be more fun than a real person. And when I say ‘toy’ I mean Nintendo 64 and when I say ‘person’ I mean rapping doctor Chima Anya. Or at least the hapless persona he dons for Valentine’s Day-themed video for Guess I’ll Never. Oh shit! Valentine’s Day! That was yesterday. Man, I guess I’ll never get it right. Check below. My favourite detail is his framed picture of himself in the dining room edged with fairy lights…

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