[RATING: 5] Who better to drop a 45 featuring a lyrical tribute to 45s than Boca 45 of 45Live fame? That’s a lot of 45, I think you’ll agree, and when you hear what our man has come up with on his brand new 45s EP in the company of Brooklyn emcee Emskee and DJ Woody, you’ll probably decide that even the amount of 45 you’d previously imagined you’d be getting was an underestimate. Let’s consider exhibit one then – the title track – musically consisting of little more than a funky neck-snap drum break and a tense bassline (and frankly, you don’t need much more in hip-hop!) over which Emskee urgently but eloquently explains the history and importance of vinyl seven inch record culture and DJ Woody gets on the cut. Flip that – er – 45 over and you get the fab fun of Ringo’s Lesson on which the Beatles’ drummer holds forth about how he’s a left-handed, right-handed drummer (or something) over booming drum breaks before finally arriving at the 45s instro. Did the monkey mention it’ll be the only Boca 45 45 in 2021? Or that it’s a one-off pressing limited to 450 copies. Well, it is and it is.
(Out now HERE)