BIG BOSS MAN: Double Groovy (Vinyl 7″)

BIG BOSS MAN:  Double GroovyHere’s the final track off the two new Big Boss Man 45s then – the A-side to Trans-Pacific Express – entitled Double Groovy. And if sixties, mod, bongo and Hammond-obsessed Big Boss Man are calling a track ‘Double Groovy’, you can bet your ass that groove is canyon deep. This one opens with a squalling psych-rock guitar vamp before a bongo-rich drum break vaguely reminiscent of BBM’s Sea Groove off debut LP Humanize kicks in swiftly followed by the bass, Hammond vamps and psych-rock solos, ultimately building to the sort of crescendo that must once have burst from the speakers of the Marquee Club…
(Out 4 November on Blow Up Records)

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