BETTY DAVIS: ‘Nasty Gal’ documentary movie (2015) Crowdfunding campaign and teaser

Betty Davis Movie CrowdfundingWhat do you mean who’s Betty Davis? Betty DAVIS! The ‘first lady of funk’. Friend to Jimi, Sly, Carlos Santana and Herbie Hancock. Wife (briefly) to Miles. Model. Producer/ singer/ songwriter on four classic funk-rock LPs in the 70s. Oh – yeah – and victim of sexism and censorship. Which are the main reasons why she suddenly disappeared at the tail end of the seventies and doesn’t have the fame she deserves. Pretty much off the radar for thirty-five years, Betty has decided now is the time to tell her story and if documentary Nasty Gal: The Many Lives Of Funk Queen Betty Davis gets the funding it deserves, you’ll get to hear it. The project needs $65 000 – and has raised nearly $22 000 in a month with one month to go. Get involved HERE. Teaser below. Samples of Betty Davis’s funky magic below that:

NASTY GAL – Movie Teaser from Native Voice Films on Vimeo.

0 responses to “BETTY DAVIS: ‘Nasty Gal’ documentary movie (2015) Crowdfunding campaign and teaser”

  1. Miss Betty I have been a fan since summer of 1973 when I bought your first lp release. I am from Clairton,PA. (although I now live on the Hill District in a senior Hi-Rise) I was so,so excited when I was able to purchase your 1st 3 releases 10 years ago on cd (for 99.00 EACH back then on I knew Cordell Dudley (thru a woman he dated from Clairton) My favorite song by you is “Shoo-B-Doop And Cop Him” that bass line is soooo slick “Nasty Gal” would be #2. I so wish I could afford to fund your movie project (I’m in SSD and a po sissy now that I am hitting 60y/o this year) I wish you the best in getting this project off the ground and I have always stated that YOU WERE NEVER GIVEN YOUR DUES FROM THE RECORD INDUSTRY and now in 2016 with God’s grace I so wish that your time has come so that many can hear your story. I seen you @ the Alpine Arena back in December 1974 in Wilkinsburgh,PA. (you were just introducing the “Nasty Gal” lp in your show) we waited 3 ours for your to take the stage and by then had went thru the whole 20.00 bag of weed but when you took the stage I was mesmerized. Wishing you the best Miss Betty Mabry Davis. Sincerly DEAN MARTELL

    • Hey Dean – not sure Betty will ever actually read this comment so I’ve passed your details along to the crew making the film project on her instead. Who knows? If you knew Cordell Dudley – maybe they’ll want to interview you…:-)


      Stone Monkey (MB editor).

  2. Thanx for replying Stone Monkey i just seen your reply this morning ( i dont get on internet often ) yea i loved Betty Davis’s music as i said since summer of 1973 when i first heard YOUR MAN MY MAN on the WAMO radio station here in downtown Pgh,PA.) i immediatly bought her 1st lp and its been love ever since. As the documentary mentions i wondered where she disappeared too and over the years have heard so many rumours (I’m sure they are) of what happened so i would love to see and hear her story. Acutally i hear that she is now back in Homestead,PA. and i dont know the exrtent of the truthfullness to that?) my cell # is 412-390-9237 if any one wants to ask little ole me anything (i only knew Cordell cuz he was dating a friend of mine from clairton,PA. years after his appearence on her 2nd lp.) i used to ask him about her always (he probly got tired of me doing so LoL) in the years since i have purchased the re-release of CRASHIN FROM PASSION and the un-released 1976 lp IS IT LOVE OR DESIRE both on cd. personaly her first 3 lps were her best. I see now where a vocalist from Canada MAHALIA BARNES has released the BETTY DAVIS SONGBOOK i purchased a few of the tracks from amazon mp3 store but she in no way touches the Grind,Glamour nor Rawness in her voice that only Betty Davis had. nce again Thank You for the reply (its cool to know someone is listening) Sincerly,DEAN MARTELL (PGH,PA.)

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