Last seen in these parts at the end of November, L.A.’s Bella Brown & The Jealous Lovers return with new single Living Proof which once again channels the seventies so effectively you’ll be compelled to get into a ‘Soul Train’ line with whoever happens to be in your immediate vicinity when you hear it. Slight slower in tempo than previous single Soul Clap, it nonetheless features similarly funky disco stylings (including a fat, chugging bass riff), endearingly upbeat lyrics and provides a pretty convincing facsimile of the earthier material to be pumping out of the speakers in the heyday of Studio 54 and The Loft. How to represent such joyous goings-on in an audio-visual format? Maybe Bella (sporting a gaudy seventies catsuit and stacked heels) strutting her stuff on sunny, suburban blacktop without getting mown down by an SUV? Yeah! Who says the U.S. is the land of the car? Living proof of the redemptive power of disco if it were ever needed and we’ve all learnt something about the LAPD’s capacity to enforce jaywalking laws.
(Out now on LRK Records)