VAST AIRE: ‘Nomad’ video + Vast Aire producer competition – 2011
This’ll be the video to the Nomad single that the press release included in yesterday’s post about Aire’s new album Ox 2010: A Street Odyssey
This’ll be the video to the Nomad single that the press release included in yesterday’s post about Aire’s new album Ox 2010: A Street Odyssey
[rating: 5] And now for some more original, funk 45 filth – finally – courtesy of those keepers of the true funk flame at Tramp
Midas Wells and Simple X a.k.a. Tensei do the decent thing with Take’s ‘futurebeats’ bleepfest Neon Beams doping it up with a fat, rolling, (very)
It’s always tricky when writing about funky breakbeat music not to overuse the words ‘funk’ and ‘break’ so Mr Wilde gets the gasface for the