DJ OMBRE & COUPE CHIMISTE: Cassette de Mixage Vol. 1 (2016) Free download

Cassette De Mixage Vol 1 DJ Ombre Coupe Chimiste[RATING: 5] DJ Ombre & Coupe Chimiste? Isn’t ‘ombre’ French for ‘shadow’? And ‘coupe’ French for ‘cut’ and ‘chimiste’ French for…ahhhh. You see what they’ve done there? It shouldn’t give you too much of brainfreeze to work it out now the monkey’s done the hard work for you. Et qui sont-they? Why ils-sont producer Chicky Boom and un ami (or possibly une amie) who have hooked-up, dug most excellently into a treasure trove of soul, funk, and psych and rock musique francais to produce une compilation superbe. Yes, the monkey is once again making a rare Cassette De Mixage posting but when it’s of the sort of vintage of this Vol. 1, it would be discourtois not to inform the wider publique. Here’s to Vol. 2. Cop it below…

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