A little under three weeks until new LP Majician from DOOM cohort Kurious and he’s still got time for one more single – Barry Gibb. Barry Gibb? Oh what – as in Bee Gee Barry Gibb? As in last surviving Bee Gee Barry Gibb? The very same. Turns out Gibb is a bit of a music idol to Kurious who identifies with him big time. Why? Well, Gibb wrote for a lot of artists besides the Bee Gees back in the day and it just so happen that Kurious writes for a lot of people besides himself too – neither of which facts is all that widely known. Why – they’re kindred spirits! Cue a track on which Kurious salutes the Bee Gee in question and, over a beat featuring late mirrorball-era instrumentation, casts himself as the “hip-hop Barry Gibb” at a “high price Cali gig.” And if you know Kurious, you’ll know he ain’t just jive talkin’! Groove along to the video below.
(Out now on Rhymesayers)