Blimey – DJ Design? Surely not DJ Design formerly of Foreign Legion and such classics as Full-Time B-Boy and Meanwhile? Or the man behind that track with Guilty Simpson, Ferocious? Er – well, it would seem so. Turns out he’s still making beats and bumped into balaclava-sporting emcee Vermin The Villain early last year at a show where they were both performing. The upshot was that V told D about one particular beat he liked of D’s containing samples of French movie dialogue and D gave V the beat which V has no idea what to do with for most of the rest of 2024 – until that is, V goes to Paris. Here, a chance sighting of a poster for a lost dog provides the germ of a lyrical idea for Vermin and here we are a month later and Design’s almost ambient synth-laden beat is now graced with suitably reflective bars. Ladies and gentleman – say bonjour to Un Chien Perdu.
(Out now on Lewis Recordings)